Dry Blended Meat Cures

Dry blended meat cures, curing mixes, and phosphates are common ingredients used in meat processing and preservation.

Dry blended meat cures are mixtures of salt, sugar, and curing agents that are used to preserve meat by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. These blends are often used in curing processes for meats like bacon, ham, and sausage. Curing mixes are similar to dry blended meat cures, but may contain additional ingredients like spices, herbs, and flavorings. These mixes can be used to add flavor to cured meats, as well as aid in the preservation process. Phosphates are additives that are commonly used in meat processing to improve the texture, moisture retention, and flavor of meat products. They work by altering the pH and ionic balance of meat proteins.

Dry Blended Meat Cures, Curing Mixes, & Phosphate Products

When choosing dry blended meat cure, curing mix, and phosphate products, it’s important to consider the quality of the ingredients and the overall nutritional value of the product. Choose from our wide range of high-quality dry blended meat cure, curing mix, and phosphate products.


Bacon Curing Mix

Bacon Curing Mix

Brine O

Brine 31

Corned Beef Curing Mix

Corned Beef Curing Mix

Ham Mix R

Longaniza Curing Mix

Longaniza Curing Mix

Longaniza Macao Curing Mix

Longaniza Macao Curing Mix

Meat Tenderizer

Meat Tenderizer

Phos 90

Tocino Curing Mix

Tocino Curing Mix

Ultra Bind

Ultra Cure

Ultra Mix


Extend Meat Shelf Life

They are an essential component of meat curing and are necessary for the production of cured meats like ham, bacon, and sausage. The use of a dry blended meat cure helps to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, improve the color and flavor of the meat, and extend its shelf life.

Curing mixes are typically a combination of salt, sugar, and other seasonings that are used to cure meat. They are often used in conjunction with a dry blended meat cure, and help to add flavor and texture to the meat. Curing mixes can be customized to suit the specific needs and tastes of the meat processor, and are an important component of the curing process.

Phosphate helps to improve the texture and juiciness of the meat, and can also increase its yield.